Neseniai Rokiškis gyrėsi, o gal nusivylęs guodėsi, jog beveik gavo davelnią milijonų.
Pasidalinsiu ir aš įdomesniu variantu.
Žodžiu yra mergina su didžiuliu kraičiu (5,6 milijonai USD)!!! Siūlosi į žmonas ir 30 procentų savo kraičio. Mergina iš “Nairobi-Kenya”. Jos nekenčia pamotė ir nori ją užmušti… Šiaip ji graži ir labai faina:
After the burial of my father, my step-mother has threatened to kill me because of the money my father deposited in one of the banks in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso in my name as the next of kin before his dead which amount is ($5.6 USD) Million United State Dollars.
Though you may wonder why I am so soon revealing myself to you without knowing you, well, I will say that my mind convinced me that you are the true person to help me stand as my trustee since I have not married.
More so, I will like to disclose much to you if you can help me to relocate in your country because my Step-Mother has threatened to assassinate me.
It is my intention to compensate you with 30% of the total money for your services and the balance shall be my capital in your establishment. As soon as I receive your interest in helping me, I will put things into action immediately.
I am waiting to hear from you soonest,Yours Sincerely,
Miss.Joy Kipkalya Kones.
Tai va… Gaila nuotraukos nepridėjo. Bet man atrodo kad čia jinai:
Zbygniewai, ar nebus tatai tavo kokia nors sesuo? Labai panaši iš veido…
I am Barrister Jean Albert, personal attorney to Late Mr. Josef Misevičius (my client) , from your country who was a gold merchant here in Republic of Benin, West Africa. On the 24th of April 2008, my client lost his life as a result of Brain cancer, as confirmed by a medical specialist who was taking care of his illness for over six months before his death.
I have contacted you so that you can help to repatriate the (fund) left behind by my client before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by the Financial Bank here in Republic of Benin. These money were lodged with of the local Financial Bank branch here, where my client had an account valued about $10.8 million dollars (Ten Million Eight Hundred Thousand United States Dollars).
Now, l seek your consent to present you to the Financial Bank so that the proceed of my client’s fund valued about $10.8 million can be transfered to your account . Reply after reading this message, so that l will tell you how we can legally proceed the claim.
I will like you to give me your following informations for more details;
Your Age,
Your full name and address,
Your office and home telephone numbers,
Your occupations and position.
Kindly call me upon your receipt of this mail for further oral conversation.
Best Regards,
Barrister Jean Albert.
( +229 ) 665-517-37.
jei jau vestuvės, tai paimk ir mano limonus 😉
Ale man tos merginos iš Kenijos patiko pati struktūra minčių dėstomų laiške. Iš tiesų matosi kad rašė visiškai kito mentaliteto nei aš ar keletas kitų mano pažįstamų lietuvių. Gal būt labiausiai užkliuvo teisinimasis kodėl į mane kreipiamasi. Panašu kad šitie skameriai iš tiesų yra arabinių/musulmoninių šeimos kirminai.
Nu šiaip tai iš Kenijos, tai šimtaprocentinė šemalė, tai, kad kaip kas linkęs ir su bezdžionėmis panašumų ieškoti…
Nu bet tai pripažink, kad kuo juodesnė veido spalva tuo labiau į šimpanzė panašus. Čia nieko įžeidžiančio… Bent jau žmonėms…
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